Shareholders & Equity

iBET’s shareholders benefit from first-in-line access to iBET’s scientific expertise in both Biopharma and Biosustainability.

iBET's Shareholders

iBET’s shareholders comprise 60% private and 40% public organizations. These include leading companies from the national Pharmaceutical and Agro-industry sectors and academic and other public institutions.

With a focus on equity-driven partnerships, our shareholders have privileged access to our scientific expertise. This status offers the possibility to develop R&D projects, access existing services, and suggest new areas of development, services and competences.

Pharma and Healthcare

Grupo Medinfar
ReciBio Pharm


Grupo RAR
Grupo Sumol + Compal


Universidade Lisboa
NOVA University Lisbon
NOVA School of Science & Technology
NOVA Medical School
Universidade Católica



Benefits for Shareholders

Shareholder organizations have access to:

  1. First-in-line access to areas of expertise and their development: privilege-right;
  2. Conceptual and practical trainings;
  3. Auditing services – manufacturing process and quality assurance;
  4. Technical and Scientific consultancy;
  5. Access to and evaluation of business opportunities;
  6. Ideation and development of project proposals and partnerships;
  7. Development of technical reports;
  8. Use of “Access Fee” rights to enable and expand the collaboration axes Partner-iBET.

Download Benefits for Shareholders [PT]

Tax Benefits

Donations granted to iBET are considered as expenses under the scientific patronage, as foreseen in the Tax Benefits Statute (Art. 62º A do Estatuto dos Benefícios Fiscais) as a result from its status of private non-profit research organization in the scientific area. (Despacho nº 3951/2024, Diário da República, 2ª série).

SIFIDE II is a system of tax incentives for entrepreneurial R&D, approved by the Decree-Law nº 162/2014, and in force until 2025 (Law nº 2/2020). According to that system all the costs related to R&D activities supplied by R&D institutions are eligible expenses for the purpose of that incentive. iBET, as part of “Sistema Cientifico e Tecnológico Nacional”, fully qualifies as a R&D institution for the purpose of this incentive scheme.

Intellectual Property Policy

In research work carried out with companies, the ownership is often attributed to companies, with iBET and the inventors collecting royalties. For patents filed directly by iBET, we try to market them as soon as they are filed with relevant companies as these can better use them in their business activities.