Late-Stage R&D and Bioproduction Unit Team

Late-stage R&D, scale-up and technology transfer for complex biopharmaceuticals production.

Research Focus

iBET’s Bioproduction Unit has extensive expertise in bioprocess development for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) such as adeno-associated virus (AAVs) for gene therapy, and recombinant proteins (incl. virus-like particles, VLPs) for vaccines.

The team has been reinforcing iBET’s leadership in these areas, nationally and internationally, while also fostering interaction amongst iBET Units/laboratories and the training of specialized researchers and technicians. Our most recent activities have been centered on the design of robust solutions for product expression, purification and characterization, process scale-up (up to 50 L), and technology transfer to CDMOs. 

Areas of Activity

Late-stage R&D

Design of optimized upstream and downstream processes, and implementation of robust bioanalytical tools

Bioprocess scale-up

Establishment of scalable, GMP compliant processes for production of ATMPs (e.g. AAVs for gene therapy and oncolytic virus for cancer treatment) and recombinant proteins (e.g. VLPs for vaccines)

Technology transfer

Transfer of technology to CDMOs, including shadowing of key process operations

Late Stage R&D
Technology transfer

Team Members