Young Investigator Award for PhD Student Pedro Vicente at European Tissue Repair Conference
A team of iBET’s scientists participated in the Annual Meeting of the European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS), jointly organized with the Portuguese Society of Stem Cells and Cell Therapies (SPCE-TC), and held on October 11-13th in the historic city of Coimbra.

The 2023 ETRS and SPCE-TC Annual Meeting brought together key players in the field to present and discuss the most recent advances in Tissue Repair and Stem Cell-Based Technologies. Another key goal of the meeting was to promote networking among scientists, healthcare professionals and industry, fostering the translation of knowledge from the bench to the bedside.
iBET’s participation included the following talks and poster presentations:
- Invited Lecture by Paula Alves, iBET’s CEO and Head of the Health & Pharma Division, on “Cell based Products: the R&D road towards translation”.
- Selected oral presentation by Inês Sá, MSc Student at the Advanced Cell Models Lab, with the work “A Stem Cell-derived 3D model to study human microglia dynamics”.
- Selected oral presentation by Pedro Vicente, PhD Student at the Stem Cell Bioengineering Lab, entitled “Advancing the manufacture of pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes in bioreactors through sustained Wnt activation and oxygen control”.
- Poster presentation by Margarida Costa, PhD student at the Stem Cell Bioengineering Lab, with the work “Expansion and Differentiation of T Cells in response to tightly controlled activation in stirred tank bioreactors”.
We congratulate Pedro Vicente who was awarded the 2023 ETRS Young Investigator Award, in shared second place, for his selected oral presentation.
Chaired by Eugénia Carvalho and Hugo Fernandes, scientists at the Center for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CIBB) Research Unit in Coimbra, the conference included scientific sessions on themes as diverse as Stem Cell & Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials & Regeneration, Aging, Immunomodulation, Tools and Technologies, Ethics and Policy, Translational Research, Neuro-immune regulation, and Tech Transfer.