Announcing course on Cells for Compound Screening

With the contribuition of iBET and ITQB, the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) is organizing a training course that covers all critical aspects of mammalian cell based screens for the identification of biologically active compounds. The course will take place Llafranc, Costa Brava, in Spain, from September 23rd to 26th 2015. The early registration deadline is June 30. The course, now in its second edition, is aimed at Lab managers, Scientists, Post-Docs, PhD students, and Engineers from both Academia and Industry, who will have the opportunity to learn about high quality  cell source and production, cellular assay optimization and cell assay applications. In summary, the course offers basic and pharmaceutical industry know-how to a broader community. The program has slots dedicated to the preparation and presentation of case studies by participants, and to discussion groups with the lecturers. Confirmed lecturers include Rosalia Arrebola (Sanofi, France), Catarina Brito (iBET, Portugal), Christa Burger (Merck, Germany), Hansjörg Hauser (HZI, Germany), Stephanie Hennen (Uni Bonn, Germany), Eberhard Krauß (VIB Headquarters, Belgium), Heinz Ruffner (Novartis, Switzerland) and Urs Lüthi (Actelion, Switzerland).

The course will cover the following topics:

  • Target Identification and validation: assays for target identification
  • Preclinical testing: role of cell models and animal models during drug development
  • Assay Development and validation: criteria for a good cell assay for each stage/question
  • Cell line selection: choose the best cell line for the purpose and assay
  • Cell material production and validation: reproducible cell material production and validation: cultivation/isolation, cell stocks, plate production
  • Frequently used cellular HTS assays: points to consider for assays as binding, FLlPR, receptor signalling, reporter, growth, localization
  • Complex cellular assays: HCS and experience with 3D and si-RNA screens
  • Equipment and logistic: automation, data storage and data analysis
For more information go to The final registration deadline is August 15. Note: This course is preceeded by the Animal Cell Technology Course also organized by ESACT (Sep 27-Oct 1)