iBET hosted the mid-term meeting of the European Project DECATHLON

iBET hosted the mid-term meeting of the European Project DECATHLON on the 1st-2nd June. The Decathlon consortium consists of 18 specialized organizations from 11 different countries. In total 50 participants discussed the progresses of each work-package and planned the future work. On 3rd of June iBET also hosted the workshop “Tackling the challenges of DNA based detection methods and specific traceability issues through an interdisciplinary approach” aimed at bringing together relevant stakeholder from industry, academia as well as policy-makers. In this project the strategic objective is the development of cost efficient advanced DNA-based methods for specific traceability issues and high level on-site applications in the fields of
  1. food pathogens,
  2. traceability of GMOs
  3. customs issues.
The iBET team, Teresa Crespo, Frédéric Gaspar and Ana Luísa Simplício, is involved in the develop and application of minimal performance parameters (MPPs) for high-through put DNA technologies and is in charge of the inter-laboratory validation trials.