The LAO – Laboratório Associado de Oeiras and the Seventh Framework Program (2007-2011)

The LAO – Laboratório Associado de Oeiras, which includes ITQB, iBET, IGC and CEDOC was the most successful Portuguese research organization obtaining competitive funding through the last European Union . The data related to the Portuguese participation in the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2011) was recently made available by GPPQ/FCT – Gabinete de Promoção do Programa-Quadro de I&DT and reveals that, among the 26 Portuguese Associate Laboratories, the LAO is the most successful in terms of number of contracts (70) and funding (22.837.403€). These 70 contracts include 34 Marie Curie grants, 22 Cooperation projects (Health, KBBE, ICT), 8 Capacities contracts (Infra, SME, SiS) and 6 ERC grants. This information is based on the official data provided by the European Commission and will be periodically updated by GPPQ/FCT.