Paula Alves interview on Rádio Renascença

Paula Alves, CEO of iBET, was interviewed on the National radio show “As três da manhã” (Radio Renascença) about what it takes to produce an effective vaccine, picking up on the theme of the impending vaccine against COVID-19.

Click in the image below to listen the full interview, starting at minute 19:00 (in Portuguese)

Selected interview quotes:

  • "A vaccine (...) begins with the effort to understand the pathogen causing illness, in this case [of the COVID-19 vaccine] the virus"
  • "All vaccines that are in development [for COVID-19] use different technologies. For example, in the case of adenoviruses-based vaccines, an unrelated virus is used to deliver genes from the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2"
  • "Usually, a vaccine takes up to 10 - 15 years before approval because the process must complete and succeed in several developmental steps such as safety."
  • [In the particular case of COVID-19 vaccine], "there is a great number of people dedicated to do these stages in parallel. No evaluation step is skipped."
  • "When health authorities trust in vaccine safety, we must trust the authorities, no matter if it is an emergency authorization, safety always comes first."

Interested in vaccine development? Click here to learn more about iBET work on this exciting field.