GreenPlantFood – Green technology for plant-based food

Project Summary

Green technology for plant-based food (short named GreenPlantFood) is a collaborative project (KSP 319049) to meet challenges in society and industry financed by The Norwegian Research Council and the Food Industry.

A shift towards increased use of plant food has positive effects on health and environment . To actually achieve this, there is a strong need to find and develop new, healthy, and attractive plant-based food products. We aim to do this mainly based on pulses and cereals grown in Norway. The main objective in this project is to facilitate green technology towards plant-based food in Norway with a significant proportion of Nordic Raw Materials into attractive and healthy products with low environmental footprint.

“GreenPlantFood” will create value in the Norwegian plant food chain by, increasing the production of plant sources, developing production of healthy and attractive plant products and meals, create understanding how to overcome economic and social bottlenecks for increased production and sales and improve communication of scientific results and knowledge to industry, large supermarket chains, policy makers and consumers.

