MULTI-STR3AM – Towards Industrial-scale Microalgae Cultivation in Europe
Towards Industrial-scale Microalgae Cultivation in Europe
Current agricultural and manufacturing practices are unsustainable. Although microalgae are a promising solution to this problem, they are still underexploited as a crop.
This is due to microalgae products being in early stages of development and having to achieve the same economies of scale as conventional products.
The EU-funded MULTI-STR3AM project aims to provide valuable microalgal products for large end users in the food, feed and fragrance sectors by reducing costs, increasing scale and boosting sustainability.
Its products will include lipids for edible spreads, protein, carbohydrates and lipids for feed ingredients for poultry, pigs and ruminants, and protein and small organic compounds as building blocks for the fragrance industry.
The project will pave the way for sustainable industrial-scale microalgae cultivation in Europe.
In the project, iBET will be responsible for producing high value bioactive compounds from a large variety of complex natural matrices, namely recovery, purification and characterization of proteins, polar lipids and pigments and for developing (bio)reactors and their integration with membrane processing for in-situ recovery of valuable bioactive products.
The MULTI-STR3AM project is coordinated by Algae for future (A4F), Portugal, and funded with a total of €9M. Alongside iBET, 7 European institutions are part of this initiative: Algae for future (Portugal), Centre Algatech (Czech Republic), For Farmers (Netherlands), International Flavours and Fragrances (Netherlands), Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (Portugal), Phycom (Netherlands) and Upfield (Netherlands).
Grant agreement ID: 887227
Status: Ongoing project
Start date: 1 May 2020
End date: 30 April 2025
Overall budget: € 9 179 688,75
EU contribution: € 6 588 732
Coordinated by: A4F ALGAFUEL SA, Portugal
Topic: BBI-2019-SO1-D2 – Produce components for various materials, including for food and feed, from microalgae
Call for proposal: H2020-BBI-JTI-2019