VOOmics – OMICs approaches to reveal the anticancer properties of Virgin Olive Oil

OMICs approaches to reveal the anticancer properties of Virgin Olive Oil

Financiado por/Funded by:

Designação do Projeto | Project Name | VOOmics – OMICs approaches to reveal the anticancer properties of Virgin Olive Oil

Código do Projeto | Project Code | PTDC/BAA-AGR/4732/2021

Domínio Científico | Scientific Domain |Agricultural Biotechnology – Agricultural Biotechnology and Food Biotechnology

Entidade Coordenadora | Coordinating Entity | Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (iBET)

Entidades Participantes | Participating Entities | Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil, EPE (IPO Lisboa) and NOVA Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT)

Data de Início | Starting Date | 01.01.2022

Data de Conclusão | Conclusion Date | 31.12.2024

Breve Descrição | Brief Description

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is among the leading causes of mortality and morbidity throughout the world, thus representing a major public health problem. Following a healthy diet could be a measure of primary prevention for CRC as dietary habits are estimated to contribute to about 50% of CRC cases.

Higher consumption of olive oil is considered the hallmark of the traditional Mediterranean diet and has been associated with low incidence and prevalence of CRC. The anticancer activity of olive oil, and in particular virgin olive oil (VOO), has been attributed to the presence of some bioactive compounds including phenolics. However, this effect is mainly supported by epidemiologic data, cell-based and animal studies where the mechanisms of action of the main VOO compounds are poorly understood.

Previous studies from iBET’s Natural Bioactives & Nutraceuticals Team make clear that hydroxytyrosol, the most important phenolic and antioxidant compound of VOO, inhibits cell proliferation and may target cancer invasion and metastasis in an advanced human 3D CRC cell model.

The VOOMICS project will investigate further its effect in modulating the expression of key biomarkers of high metastatic CRC. The research team will carry out RNA sequencing of human samples derived from distinct groups of CRC patients to identify relevant biomarkers of highly metastatic CRC and then evaluate the impact of HT on modulating their expression in vitro. Other compounds that are expected to reach the colon after VOO intake will be also tested, alone or in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs to evaluate potential synergistic effects.

VOOmics aims to unveil the molecular mechanisms of action of VOO compounds using a food omic strategy (both metabolomic and transcriptomics).