Ana Paula Batista

Head of Novartis Pharma Lab


I am the Head of the Novartis Pharma Laboratory, a position I have held since 2015. I also oversee all additional Novartis projects at iBET.

Over the years, I have contributed to Novartis’s R&D pipeline by managing projects aimed at the development of new biopharmaceuticals. My primary focus lies in the discovery, production, and characterization of antibodies (different formats), employing an extensive array of biochemistry and biophysics techniques. Furthermore, I am engaged in the production of viral vectors and the optimization of cell lines to improve virus quality and production yields.

I hold a PhD in Biochemistry from Nova University Lisbon, Portugal (2010). Additionally, I obtained certifications in Performance Management and Control (Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, 2013), in Project Management (PRINCE2® Foundations, 2018), and in General Management (Nova School of Business and Economics, 2020).

My past professional experience includes a role as a post-doctoral researcher in the field of Bioenergetics (2011-2014; ITQB-NOVA). My studies focused on (i) the molecular mechanisms of electron transfer and ion translocation of membrane proteins, and (ii) the recognition of protein structural elements/motifs determinant for catalysis and substrate interaction. These studies involved isolated bacterial proteins (wild type and mutants), reconstituted enzymes in liposomes, and membrane vesicles.

CV Highlights: (i) over 20 published papers (h-index: 14); (ii) supervision and co-supervision of several students (BSc, MSc and PhD) and researchers; (iii) 2 Research Grants; (iv) 2 Merit Awards; (v) Principal Investigator and Team member in national-funding projects.