18 national partners

TEC4GREEN – Preparing the agro-industrial sector for future technological and environmental challenges

Preparing the agro-industrial sector for future technological and environmental challenges

The Mobilizing Agenda TEC4GREEN aims to prepare the agro-industrial sector (food and forestry) for future technological and environmental challenges, minimizing the environmental impact (soil, water, and atmospheric) and promoting sector sustainability. In order to achieve this, a set of work packages (WP) has been defined that focuses on the circularity of the value chain in the agro-industrial sector, at the stages of crop protection, crop nutrition, agricultural production, and waste valorisation, in line with the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy.

The agenda aims to develop and industrialize a new generation of hybrid and biological products for the protection and nutrition of agricultural crops, demonstrate Digital Farming technologies for precision agriculture, and Agronomic Decarbonization for carbon neutrality. It also seeks to promote the treatment and valorisation of water streams and agricultural by-products for the production of green energy and for the circular economy.

iBET is one of the 18 partners taking part in the TEC4GREEN mobilizing agenda, with a global investment of more than 15.9 million euros.

Read more about the TEC4GREEN mobilizing agenda and the Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR).

For more information, please see Ficha de projeto_iBET